Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Corporate Crimes And Corporate Governance To Combat Them
Corporate Crimes And Corporate Governance To Combat Them Corporate crimes refer to criminal practices by individuals that have the legal authority to have a word for a corporation or company. These can include presidents, managers ,directors and chairman , sales people and agent or anyone within a company that has the authority to act on behalf of the firm Corporate crimes often seen to involve a very different set of dealings between offenders and victims, as there are less obvious direct harm or blood on the streets (Clarke, 1990). It appears less personal as immediate victims are often employers, the government, the public health or the environment and in many cases, such as where Safety laws are broken, causing the death or injury of employees, there is no direct intent to harm. There are also different images of the structural dimensions of victimization. To some, all citizens are victims of this kind of crime, irrespective of age, class or gender, whereas to others the crimes of the wealthy and powerful prey on the poor and powerless. Yet at the same time, victims of some financial frauds may fail to attract sympathy as they are assumed to be wealthy and to have willingly parted with their money (Shichor et al., 2000). Corporate crimes: scopes and definitions As far as scope of the crime is concern this has to be noticed that à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Many victims are unaware of any harm and cannot detect it themselves as happens, for example, with some major frauds, pollution, food adulteration and descriptions of consumer goods. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Victimization is often indirect and impersonal, affecting entities such as the government although there are indirect effects on individuals tax payers, for example, have to pay more and receive fewer benefits due to tax evasion. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Individual victims may lose very little yet the illegal profits may be large as in cases in which a bank employee takes one penny out of thousands of accounts or a firm sells goods which weigh less than indicated.à [1]à This term white collar crime was coined by Edward Sutherland in his pioneering 1949 study, White Collar Crime. It describes non-violent crimes committed by corporations or individuals in the course of their business activity. Examples of criminal behaviour in most jurisdiction includes: antitrust violations ,fraud ,damage to the environment in violation of environmental legislation, exploitation of labour in violation of labour laws ,and failure to maintain a fiduciary responsibility toward shareholders. In criminology, corporate crime refers to crimes committed either by a corporation (i.e., a business entity having a separate legal personality from the natural persons that manage its activities), or by individuals that may be identified with a corporation or other business entity. Corporate Crime is criminal activity on behalf of a business organization. During much of American history the primary legal stance relating to activity of business was decidedly laissez-faire (leave it alone to do as it will). Under the influence of capitalist philosophy American Courts adopted the view that governments should not interfere with businesses by attempting to regulate it. For a long period of history victims of defective and dangerous products could not sue corporations for damages because the guiding principle was caveat emperor (let the buyer beware), and unhealthy and dangerous working conditions in mines, mills and factories were excused under the freedom of contract clause of the constitutionà [2]à . Although attitudes in the 20th century changed considerably, crimes of frauds, concealment, and misrepresentation continued to victimize all sorts of groups and individuals in society. Crimes such as these are actions committed during the course of fulfilling the name of corporate profits and growth. Today as corporations have been found to be involved in environmental and health and safety law violations. In the United Kingdom, following several fatal disasters on the rail network and at sea, the term is now also commonly used in reference to corporate manslaughter. In this category would also be included the culpability of Union Carbide in the 1985 accident in Bhopal, India and the current behaviour of the pharmaceutical industry which puts profits ahead of the needs of HIV and other patients worldwide. Yet a third category of corporate crime is State-corporate crime. In a globalized world where States negotiate and conclude agreements with corporations and other international part ies or bodies, opportunities will arise for unjust enrichment and national laws will be broken. The Enron Scandal: The first major scandal of the first decade of 21st century is that Enron Corporation, which has been called one of the most intricate pieces of financial chicanery in history and for investors in its stock and its employees. The Enron sandal did tremendous damage to the company created a crisis of investors confidence the links of which has been seen since the great depression. Enron was a $100 billion corporate empire that had more then 200,000 employees in 40 countries and controlled about one quarter of all trading in natural gas and electricity in the United Status. The company poured millions of dollars into political campaign and lobbyists arguing of further deregulation of energy markets. The Enron hierarchy expected the never-ending innovation and growth from its executive to feed this monster enterprise. In response executives created imaginary markets, paper partnerships and phantom growth that enabled them to report profits that did not exist and to hide debts hat did. Executives were accomplished at cooking the financial books in many ingenious ways, which kept Enrons stock prices rising and thus their own compensation. Because much of the competition received by Enrons executives was stock based, they had major incentives to make the company look as good as possible to investors by reporting high profits. Indian Scenario There are a number of corporate crimes that have come into light now days. One of the major havoc that is created in present times is because of mysterious disappearance of corporations. Of the 5,651 companies listed on Bombay Stock exchange, 2750 have vanished. It means that one out of two companies that come to the stock exchange to raise crores of rupees from investors loot and run away. Even big names like Home Trade came up with huge publicity stunts but after raising money, vanished into the thin air. About 11 million investors have invested Rs. 10,000 crore in these 2750 companies. We have Securities Exchange Board of India, Reserve Bank of India and Department of Companies Affairs to monitor the stock exchange transactions but none has documented the whereabouts of these 2750 odd companies suspended from the stock exchange. Many of the promoters and merchant bankers who are responsible for these are roaming scotfree Court in Assistant Commissioner, Assessment-ll, Banglore Ors. v. Velliappa Textiles Ltd Anrà [3]à . took the view that since an artificial person like a company could not be physically punished to a term of imprisonment, such a section, which makes it mandatory to impose minimum term of imprisonment, cannot apply to the case of artificial person. However, Supreme Court in 2005 in Standard Charted Bank v. Directorate Of Enforcementà [4]à in majority decision of 3:2 expressly overruled the Velliapa Textiles caseà [5]à on this issue. K.J Balkrishanan J. in majority opinion held We hold that there is no immunity to the companies from prosecution merely because the prosecution is in respect of offences for which punishment prescribed is mandatory imprisonment. We overrule the views expressed by the majority in Velliappa Textiles on this point There is a severe need to fight this evil of corporate crime As has been belatedly recognized in many jurisdictions, corporate crime causes far greater damage than violent street crimes. It therefore deserves more attention from the law enforcement community. According to the FBIs 2001 report, the United States reportedly lost USD17.2 billion from robbery, burglary, theft and motor-vehicle theft while the Enron fiasco alone cost investors, pensioners and employees more than three times that amount. The United Kingdom estimates that in 2004, à £78 million (USD139 million) was lost to healthcare fraud, a reduction from à £171 million (USD305 million) in 1999. In 2004, Transparency International estimated that at least USD400 billion was lost per year worldwide due to bribery in government procurement alone. However due to the scarcity of consolidated and structured statistics on corporate crime, it is impossible to determine the overall cost of corporate crime to national economies worldwide. WHERE DOES CORPORATE CRIME LIES In the Administration Improvement Act (AIA) of 1979 the U.S. Congress defined whitecollar crime as an illegal act or series of illegal acts committed by non-physical means and by concealment or guile, to obtain money or property or to obtain business or personal advantage.à [6]à But still the sworn hang by this fact that the term corporate crime is used where the offence is committed by a corporation, usually to benefit the corporation while the term white collar crime is used where the offence is committed against a corporation, usually by its own executives or employees and the corporation is the victim. As it is stated above that corporate crimes are some or how different from white-collar crimes but still in an arena Corporate crime overlaps with organized crimes and state corporate crimes along with white-collar crime à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ White-collar crime: Because the majority of individuals who may act as or represent the interests of the corporation are employees or professionals of a higher social class; à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ Organized crime: Because criminals can set up corporations either for the purposes of crime or as vehicles for laundering the proceeds of crime. Organized crime has become a branch of big business and is simply the illegal sector of capital. It has been estimated that, by the middle of the 1990s, the gross criminal product of organized crime made it the twentieth richest organization in the world richer than 150 sovereign states (Castells 1998: 169). The worlds gross criminal product has been estimated at 20 percent of world trade. (de Brie 2000); and à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¢ State-corporate crime :Because, in many contexts, the opportunity to commit crime emerges from the relationship between the corporation and the state. Corporate crime encompasses embezzlement (also known as criminal breach of trust in some countries), fraud, corruption, insider trading, unfair competition, healthcare fraud, computer crime, forgery and tax evasion. The central element of these crimes being cheating and dishonesty However, it also goes beyond these traditional boundaries.à [7]à Corporate environmental crimes The term corporate environmental crime, which may be defined as any environmental crime that has been committed by any corporate body .the importance of the inquiry was to hear from a range of corporate bodies and their representatives on the present environmental criminal justice system, while at the same time recognising that an environmental sentence for a corporate body is at present limited to fine .the reason for commiting corporate environmental crimes are also varied. The crime may occur because the business concerned is ignorant of its environmental obligations. It may also occur all too often as a result of negligent behaviour ,for example ,where business are poorly managed ,staff are inadequately trained or equipment and infrastructure has not been maintained to the required standard ,allowing a pollution incident to occur. But perhaps the most depressing cause is when corporate environmental crime is the result of a deliberate and intentional illegal act ,a decision taken in the full knowledge that the act is illegal and will result in environmental crime. In our paper our main concern would be corporate environmental crimes in which we will mainly concern about the worlds worst industrial disaster and a heinous corporate crime; the leakage methyl isocyanides (MIC) and other poisonous gases from Union Carbides Bhopal, India, pesticide factory on December 3rd, 1984.which killed 8000 people in first three days and poisoned more than 500000 people and at least 120000 people remain chronically ill and also 30 people die each month from long term effect of gases even todayà [8]à The question would be arisen in your mind that why we choose Bhopal disaster as specific topic for our research and view. There are several reasons behind this ; it is only matter of time before the world is shocked and sickened by another Bhopal type industrial diasater .this is because the global economic forces that led union carbide to build and operate its ill fated factory in Bhopal have not gone away they have only become stronger. The fact tha after 20 years of the Bhopal disaster ,survivors are forced to drink poisoned water ,contaminated by stockpiles of abandoned chemicals ,clearly reflects the apathy towards communities and the environment. The lessons of Bhopal are still waiting to be learened. In fact, a 1000 Bhopals are happening in slow motion across india destroying the environmental and poisoning people with impunity. Environmental disasters , both chronic and immediate , induced by irresponsible corporate practices are becoming more frequent. Transnational corporations have learned to downplay damage ,and focus attention and liability on the local company to elude full criminal and civil liability. Bhopal corporate environmental crime Being the most worst industrial disaster itself fulfil the need to concern about it.the brutality of the incident can be fairly stated by a comment given by a Bhopal resident that Mothers didnt know their children had died ,children didnt know their mothers had died and men didnt know their whole families has died à [9]à simply after the unpleasant incident people said that We were choking and our eyes were burning. We could barely see the road through the fog, and sirens were blaring.We didnt know which way to run. Everybody was very confusedà [10]à .before the occurrence Opposition legislators raised the issue in the State Assembly and the clamour surrounding these incidents culminated in a 1983 motion that urged the state government to force the company to relocate the plant to a less-populated area. Starting in 1982, a local journalist named Rajkumar Keswani had frantically tried to warn people of the dangers posed by the facility. In September of 1982, he wrote an articl e entitled Please Save this City. Other articles, written later, bore grimly prophetic titles such as Bhopal Sitting on Top of a Volcano and If You Do Not Understand This You Will Be Wiped Out. Just five months before the tragedy, he wrote his final article: Bhopal on the Brink of a Disaster. Yet when the Independent speaks of rape, the Guardian of disgrace and Jon Snow of a crime against humanity, they are not talking about THAT NIGHT but of what has happened since to those who survived it. Today, 25 years after the disaster, Bhopal remains a humanitarian disaster. Their breathless bodies no longer able to push handcarts and lift heavy loads, thousands have fallen into destitution and their families have learned the lessons of the abyss, binding cloths round their middles to give an illusion of fullness, giving children unable to sleep from hunger water to fill their empty bellies.à [11]à In the midst of this clamour, in May 1982, Union Carbide sent a team of U.S. experts to inspect the Bhopal plant as part of its periodic safety audits. This report, which was forwarded to Union Carbides management in the United States, speaks unequivocally of a potential for the release of toxic materials and a consequent runaway reaction due to equipment failure, operating problems, or maintenance problems. In fact, the report goes on to state rather specifically: Deficiencies in safety valve and instrument maintenance programs. Filter cleaning operations are performed without slip blinding process. Leaking valves could create serious exposure during this process. In its report, the safety audit team noted a total of 61 hazards, 30 of them major and 11 in the dangerous phosgene/MIC units. It had warned of a higher potential for a serious incident or more serious consequences if an accident should occur. Though the report was available to senior U.S. officials of the company, nothing was doneà [12]à . In fact, according to Carbides internal documents, a major cost-cutting effort (including a reduction of 335 men) was undertaken in 1983, saving the company $1.25 million that year DOWs liability under corporate crimes Liabilty which is related to the 1984 Bhopal disaster was originally filed in 1987, and reinstated in 1991. Both Warren Anderson, the former CEO of Union Carbide, and the Union Carbide Corporation itself face criminal charges in India of culpable homicide (or manslaughter). Both Anderson and Carbide have repeatedly ignored summons to appear in India for trial, and are officially considered absconders (fugitives from justice) by the Indian Government. While Anderson, if extradited and convicted, would face ten years in prison, Carbide faces a fine which has no upper limit. Along with above mentioned liability DOW also owes environmental liability because keen to distance itself from disaster Union Carbide fled India leaving behind tons of toxic wastes strewn in and around the factory site. According to former workers of the Union Carbide factory in Bhopal, while the factory was in operation, massive amounts of chemicals including pesticides, solvents, catalysts and wastes were routinely dumped in and around the factory grounds. These include deadly substances such as aldicarb, carbaryl, mercury, and several chlorinated chemicals and organic poisons. In 1977, Carbide constructed Solar Evaporation Ponds (SEPs) over 14 hectares 400 meters north of its factory. Toxic effluents and toxic wastes were routinely dumped there. Two tube wells dug in the vicinity of the SEPs were abandoned because of the noxious smell and taste of the water. Environmental criminal liability of DOW and Union Carbide A preliminary study of soil and groundwater pollution inside the plant, conducted in 1989 by Carbide, found plenty to be worried about. Some water samples produced a 100% death rate among fish placed in them. Nevertheless Carbide issued no warning. An internal memo refers to the need for secrecy, suggesting that the information should be kept for our own understanding. Not only did it fail to warn people living nearby, it vociferously denied that there was a problem and, incredibly, wrote to the Gas Relief Minister criticizing those who were trying to make people aware of the danger, suggesting that they were mischievous agitators. Carbide in the US meanwhile tried to portray Bhopal activists and their supporters ascommunists who aimed to restructure US society into something unrecognizable and probably unworkable. Carbide and Dow later relied on a report from a government organization called NEERIà [13]à which in 1997 published a report which found that water outside the factory was not contaminated. Consultant Arthur D Little had beenappointed in 1989 by Union Carbide US to work privately with NEERI. ADL believed itself to be working with UCC in Danbury, but all reference to UCC was to be deleted. ADL was to pretend to be working with UCIL alone. But a memo of 1993 shows the US Carbide executives in the driving seat. ADL eventually reported back to Carbide suggesting that NEERI had failed to find contamination because its sampling methods were flawed. In particular ADL suggested it was imprudent to claim that local water was safe for drinking and warned that groundwater contamination could happen far more swiftly and seriously than envisaged. ADL was unclear at one point as to whether NEERI was claiming that labourers were or were not exposed to contaminated groundwater. ADLs suggested ch anges ran to 17 pages, but none of them were incorporated in NEERIs published report, which is what Dow and Carbide still quote, knowing it to be worthless. Carbides own documents reveal that they knew for decades that their disposal practices in Bhopal were leading to massive contamination of the soil and groundwater, and that their sole concern was how to evade responsibility and cover it up. At last we would like to conclude about their liabilities by sayingthat the disaster was caused because Union Carbide had under-invested in an inherently hazardous facility located in a crowded neighborhood, used admittedly unproven designs, stored lethal MIC in reckless quantities, dismantled safety systems and cut down on safety staff and training in an effort to cut costsà [14]à The severity is not hidden now so further we would like to suggest 10 Bhopal principles on corporate liabilityà [15]à We have chosen to call them the Bhopal Principles because this disaster, more than any other, highlights the current failure of governments to protect public welfare and the failure of corporations to observe basic standards e.g. the avoidance of liability by parent corporations, and the avoidance of responsibility for compensation and environmental cleanup. And further question would is there any need for this kind of principles than we say yes why not because At the Johannesburg Earth Summit, Government looked at what has and has not been done to implement the Rio commitments. The Bhopal case shows that it is important to hold corporations liable and to provide compensation for victims of pollution and other environmental damage, that responsibility for liability and cleanup should be enforceable not only against the local corporate entity, but also against the multinational parent. The Ten Bhopal Principles on Corporate Accountability Implement Rio Principle 13. States shall as a matter of priority enter into negotiations for a legal international instrument, and adopt national laws to operationalise and implement Principle 13 of the Rio Declaration, to address liability and Compensation for the victims of pollution and other environmental damage. Extend Corporate Liability. Corporations must be held strictly liable without requirement of fault for any and all damage arising from any of their activities that cause Environmental or property damage or personal injury, including site remediation. Parent companies as well as subsidiaries and affiliated local corporations must be held liable for compensation and restitution. Corporations must bear cradle to grave responsibility for manufactured products. States must implement individual liability for directors and officers for actions or omissions of the corporation, including for those of subsidiaries. Ensure Corporate Liability for Damage beyond National Jurisdictions. States shall ensure that corporations are liable for injury to persons and damage to property, biological diversity and the environment beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, and to the global commons such as atmosphere and oceans. Liability must include responsibility for environmental cleanup and restoration. Protect Human rights. Economic activity shall not infringe upon basic human and social rights. States have the responsibility to safeguard the basic human and social rights of citizens, in particular the right to life; the right to safe and healthy working conditions; the right to a safe and healthy environment; the right to medical treatment and to compensation for injury and damage; the right to information and the right of access to justice by individuals and by groups promoting these rights. Corporations must respect and uphold these rights. States must ensure effective compliance by all corporations of these rights and provide for legal implementation and enforcement. Provide for Public Participation and the Right to Know. States shall require companies routinely to disclose to the public all information concerning releases to the environment from their respective facilities as well as product composition. Commercial confidentiality must not outweigh the interest of the public to know the dangers and liabilities associated with corporate outputs, whether in the form of pollution by-products or the product itself. Once a product enters the public domain there should be no restrictions on public access to information relevant to environment and health on the basis of commercial secrecy. Corporate responsibility and accountability shall be promoted through environmental management accounting and environmental reporting which gives a clear, comprehensive and public report of environmental and social impacts of corporate activities. Adhere to the Highest Standards. States shall ensure that corporations adhere to the highest standards for protecting basic human and social rights including health and the environment. Consistent with Rio Declaration Principle 14, States shall not permit multinational corporations to deliberately apply lower standards of operation and safety in places where health and environmental protection regimes, or their implementation, are weaker. Avoid Excessive Corporate Influence over Governance. States shall co-operate to combat bribery in all its forms, promote transparent political financing mechanisms and eliminate corporate influence on public policy through election campaign contributions, and/or non-transparent corporate-led lobby practices. Protect Food Sovereignty over Corporations. States shall ensure that individual States and their people maintain sovereignty over their own food supply, including through laws and measures to prevent genetic pollution of agricultural biological diversity by genetically engineered organisms and to prevent the patenting of genetic resources by corporations. Implement the Precautionary Principle and Require Environmental Impact Assessments. States shall fully implement the Precautionary Principle in national and international law. Accordingly, States shall require corporations to take preventative action before environmental damage or heath effects are incurred, when there is a threat of serious or irreversible harm to the environment or health from an activity, a practice or a product. Governments shall require companies to undertake environmental impact assessments with public participation for activities that may cause significant adverse environmental impacts. Promote Clean and Sustainable Development. States shall promote clean and sustainable development, and shall establish national legislation to phase out the use, discharge and emission of hazardous substances and greenhouse gases, and other sources of pollution, to use their resources in a sustainable manner, and to conserve their biological diversity. HOW TO HANDLE AND CONTROL CORPORATE CRIMES There are many ways for law enforcement authorities to combat corporate crime. Firstly, prevention. This can be achieved by encouraging awareness of the moral compass within corporations and among their employees and the promotion of self-regulation. This should be complemented by an effective corporate oversight regime through internal compliance programmes as well as regulation by the Companies Commission and Securities Commissions or its equivalent. For the latter purpose, it will be necessary to put in place effective laws and regulations in a timely manner. In turn, these laws will also have to be actively enforced by well-trained law enforcement agencies and prosecutors if they are to be a realistic deterrent. In this regard it is noted that although sustained enforcement against corporate crime is required as a strong deterrent and to maintain public confidence in the financial markets, enforcement should be seen as a measure to augment internal vigilance and not as a substitu te for it. Thus corporations must also play their role as responsible corporate citizens in the national and global communities. With regard to the investigation and prosecution of corporate crimes with a transnational flavour, be it through the multinational nature of the corporation or the elements of the crime, the importance of international cooperation to gather evidence and recover the ill-gotten gains cannot be overstated. States should therefore put in place a comprehensive domestic legal framework that includes laws to criminalize the relevant criminal acts and impose corporate and individual liability for them. Another crucial element will be effective whistleblower and witness protection laws. A network of bilateral and regional treaties on mutual assistance in criminal matters and extradition together with bilateral treaties on asset sharing is also indispensable. These instruments would complement the stand-alone framework provided under the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the UN Convention against Corruption. In this regard, countries in the ASEAN region are also able to utilize the Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters which was concluded in November 2004 among the ten like-minded ASEAN Member States and is currently in force among Brunei, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam. Suggestions from our side Amendment to section 62 of the Indian penal code by adding the following lines: In every case in which the offence is only punishable with imprisonment or imprisonment and fine and the offender is the company or other body corporate or an association of individuals, it shall be competent to the court to sentence such offender to fine only. In many of the acts relating to economic offences, imprisonment is mandatory. Where the convicted person is corporation, this provision becomes unworkable and it is desirable to provide that in such cases, it shall be competent to
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Free Cuba Essay -- Cuban History Historical Essays
Free Cuba I. Introduction: Cuban history, like many other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean which have experienced colonial subjugation and imperial interference, is highlighted by tumultuous rebellions. Ever since the revolt of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes in 1868, who took up arms with his slaves to liberate Cuba from Spainââ¬â¢s colonial grasp, the existence of insurrectionists and adamant government opposition in Cuba has flourished. Social revolution and a strong will and practice of nationalism has indelibly characterized Cuban history. Nevertheless, the outcomes of particular movements and struggles for social justice have consistently frustrated revolutionary and radical leaders. Government regimes throughout history have in some manner or fashion, whether by force or by will, degenerated popular radical aspirations. For example, it was the North American intervention in 1898, during the second Cuban war for independence that opposed the popular will to establish an independent s overeign nation. Moreover, corrupt military regimes headed by opportunists such as Machado and Batista have also tainted and disregarded popular aspirations for national affirmation, human dignity, and democratic order 1. Consequently, Cuban history has proven that aspirations for social reform and a democratic republic have consistently gone arie. It is within this historical context of failed national ambitions and aspirations that Fidel Castro defines La Revolucion. Fidel Castro, in his program manifesto of the 26th of July movement, described the M-26-7 movement as a revolution "resolved to take up the unfulfilled ideals of the Cuban nation and to realize them 2." Castroââ¬â¢s dream of achieving Cubaââ¬â¢s "unfulf... ...I- cite taken from page 38. 7.) ibid (6) 8.) ibid (6) 9.) 26th of July Movement, "Program manifesto of the 26th of July Movement," in Cuba in Revolution, ed.R. Bonachea and Nelson Valdes. (Garden City, NJ, 1972) 113-140. 10.) ibid (9) 11.) ibid (9) 12.) Fidel Castro, "History Will Absolve Me." Closing speech in trial for the 1953 Moncada attack. Excerpt taken from: The United States, Cuba, and the Cold War American Failure or Communist Conspiracy? Ed. L. Langley ( Lexington, Mass, 1970). 13.) Ernesto "Che" Guevara, "One Year of Armed Struggle," in Guevara, Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War. Trans. Victoria Ortiz. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1968) pp.196-227. 14.) Perez-Stable, Marifeli. The Cuban Revolution: Origins, Course, Legacy. (New York, 1993), "Introduction" and chapters I & II. Free Cuba Essay -- Cuban History Historical Essays Free Cuba I. Introduction: Cuban history, like many other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean which have experienced colonial subjugation and imperial interference, is highlighted by tumultuous rebellions. Ever since the revolt of Carlos Manuel de Cespedes in 1868, who took up arms with his slaves to liberate Cuba from Spainââ¬â¢s colonial grasp, the existence of insurrectionists and adamant government opposition in Cuba has flourished. Social revolution and a strong will and practice of nationalism has indelibly characterized Cuban history. Nevertheless, the outcomes of particular movements and struggles for social justice have consistently frustrated revolutionary and radical leaders. Government regimes throughout history have in some manner or fashion, whether by force or by will, degenerated popular radical aspirations. For example, it was the North American intervention in 1898, during the second Cuban war for independence that opposed the popular will to establish an independent s overeign nation. Moreover, corrupt military regimes headed by opportunists such as Machado and Batista have also tainted and disregarded popular aspirations for national affirmation, human dignity, and democratic order 1. Consequently, Cuban history has proven that aspirations for social reform and a democratic republic have consistently gone arie. It is within this historical context of failed national ambitions and aspirations that Fidel Castro defines La Revolucion. Fidel Castro, in his program manifesto of the 26th of July movement, described the M-26-7 movement as a revolution "resolved to take up the unfulfilled ideals of the Cuban nation and to realize them 2." Castroââ¬â¢s dream of achieving Cubaââ¬â¢s "unfulf... ...I- cite taken from page 38. 7.) ibid (6) 8.) ibid (6) 9.) 26th of July Movement, "Program manifesto of the 26th of July Movement," in Cuba in Revolution, ed.R. Bonachea and Nelson Valdes. (Garden City, NJ, 1972) 113-140. 10.) ibid (9) 11.) ibid (9) 12.) Fidel Castro, "History Will Absolve Me." Closing speech in trial for the 1953 Moncada attack. Excerpt taken from: The United States, Cuba, and the Cold War American Failure or Communist Conspiracy? Ed. L. Langley ( Lexington, Mass, 1970). 13.) Ernesto "Che" Guevara, "One Year of Armed Struggle," in Guevara, Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War. Trans. Victoria Ortiz. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1968) pp.196-227. 14.) Perez-Stable, Marifeli. The Cuban Revolution: Origins, Course, Legacy. (New York, 1993), "Introduction" and chapters I & II.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
How does Shakespeare present the role of Feste in Twelfth Night?
In William Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night the character of Feste is a solitary wit surrounded by fools. His occupation is that of Olivia's paid fool, which she inherited from her father, ââ¬ËFeste the jesterâ⬠¦ a fool that the Lady Olivia's father took much pleasure in. ââ¬Ë This long standing relationship may be the reason he seems to have a status higher than that of a servant within the household, and appears to leave and return at will without fear of punishment, ââ¬ËTell me where thou hast been or my lady will hang theeâ⬠¦ Let her hang me. This may also be because of Elizabethan attitudes towards allowed fools, who had gained popularity due to their presence in many royal courts. Feste`s palpable intelligence is an integral part of his role, as he uses it to communicate the subtext of Shakespeare`s complicated plot to both the other characters and the audience. It is therefore ironic that the fool is so frequently said to be dishonest, ââ¬ËY`are a dry fool: I`ll take no more of you. Besides, you grow dishonest,' as throughout the play he does nothing but divulge truths. His cleverness is immediately apparent upon his first appearance for several different reasons. If he were not a fool then he would have no other way of making money, thus his decision to ingratiate himself once more into Olivia's good graces is a wise one, ââ¬ËTo be turned away, is that not as good as a hanging to you? ââ¬Ë It would also be essential for him to be intelligent to play the role of fool, as he is paid for his acute observation disguised as witty remarks. The most obvious testament to Feste`s intelligence however is his ability to manipulate words. This ensures he keeps his job in Olivia's household, as when she asks for the fool to be taken away because he is dry, Feste twists her words around and returns them in the form of a pun, ââ¬ËGive the dry fool a drink, then is the fool not dry? ââ¬Ë His craftiness amuses Olivia, who allows him to stay. His way with words also allows him to voice his opinions on other characters without fear of retribution. Whilst engaged in idle banter Feste shares his observation of Malvolio and Sir Toby, ââ¬ËSir Toby will be sworn that I am no fox, but he will not pass his word for twopence that you are no fool. This shows that although Toby is foolish as he cannot perceive Feste`s intellect, Malvolio`s idiocy is so apparent that even a fool such as Toby can see it. Feste later reaffirms his belief that Sir Toby is a fool and also shares his view of Sir Andrew. He greets the pair with the line, ââ¬ËDid you never see the picture of We Three? ââ¬Ë The painting shows only two fools whilst implying that the viewer is the third, and this comparison suggests he perceives Toby and Andrew to be fools as well as himself. It is in this way that he contributes to the underlying theme of deception that runs through the play. He deliberately presents himself to others as a mere fool, and despite the fact he is obviously much more than that, he is so proficient at this ruse that the only character to see through it is Viola, ââ¬ËThis fellow is wise enough to play the fool, And to do that well, craves a kind of wit. ââ¬Ë It may be because he not only accepts his role as a fool but uses it to his advantage, accordingly gaining perspective from this self knowledge, that he can differ from the other characters and deceive others instead of himself. Perhaps it is because Feste`s intellect is so bountiful that he is taken beyond the role of simply a character. Through it he acquires the role of a somewhat omniscient narrator, infesting both the audience and the other characters with a heightened awareness of what is happening around and within them. This is shown during a conversation with Viola, where as thanks for a coin Feste states, ââ¬ËNow Jove, in his next commodity of hair, send thee a beard. ââ¬Ë This shows his awareness of her disguise, both to the audience and to Viola herself. It also shows he must at least be extremely discerning, to deduce such a thing from simply observing the meetings between Orsino and Viola and Olivia and Viola. The primary way he communicates his cryptic messages however is through song. The clown sings no fewer than seven songs throughout the play, and although the other characters see them as nothing more than a convenient source of entertainment, many have an underlying foresight far beyond the grasp of a mere jester. Feste sings his first song upon Sir Toby and Sir Andrews requests for a love song. The first verse appears to be about Olivia, and demonstrates Feste`s keen perception of the other characters and his uncanny knowledge of future events, ââ¬ËO mistress mine, where are you roaming? ââ¬Ë This shows Feste`s knowledge of Olivia's roaming heart, searching for its true love. ââ¬ËO stay and hear, your true loves coming. ââ¬Ë This line perfectly foreshadows future events, as Olivia finds love not whilst searching for it, but by it finding her in the form of Sebastian. Feste then proceeds to encapsulate the plays plot within one line of his song, ââ¬ËJourneys end in lovers meeting. This suggests that he may be ubiquitous, as his knowledge is not only of the future, but of the past events as well. It could however just be referring to the metaphorical journeys the characters have been on in their search for love, not the literal journey Viola and Sebastian have undertaken to Illyria. The second verse of his song appears to be addressed to Sir Toby, regarding his thus far secret love for Maria. It shows Feste`s knowledge of their hesitance towards love, ââ¬ËWhat's to come is still unsure. Entwined with the advice Feste appears to have also interwoven a philosophy for life, ââ¬ËPresent mirth hath present laughter,' can be interpreted as carpe diem, fitting counsel for Sir Toby who needs to act upon his love before it is too late, ââ¬ËYouth`s a stuff will not endure. ââ¬Ë Another of Feste`s songs that has more to it than what appears at first glance is that which he sings at the Duke`s court for Orsino and Viola. Feste tells the sad tale of a boy that died for love, ââ¬ËI am slain be a fair cruel maid. ââ¬Ë It is a song that Viola and Orsino, both suffering from the pain of unrequited love, can relate to. The songs ââ¬Ëfair cruel maid' for Orsino is Olivia, who knows of his love but does not return it. Viola`s ââ¬Ëcruel maid' is Orsino himself, who cannot return her love as he does not know of it and believes her to be a man. The one event that does not concur with the omniscient portrayal of Feste is the arrival of Sebastian. Feste appears to truly believe that Sebastian is Cesario, to the extent that he becomes frustrated and resorts to sarcasm as a defence,' your name is not Master Cesario; nor this is not my nose either. This scene suggests that Feste is not as all knowing as he can appear, and is perhaps only a highly perceptive individual, a trait born of his considerable intelligence. Feste is presented as one of the more developed characters in the play, and his multifaceted personality shows in his tormenting of Malvolio. Prior to this Feste`s purpose has been to traverse between the main plot and the subplot (the only character to do so) and though he has passively inf luenced the events, he has remained very much an observer rather than an actual participant. The exception to this is his imitating Sir Topas to distress Malvolio, ââ¬ËI prithee put on this gown, and this beard; make him believe thou art Sir Topas the curate,' although his reasons for agreeing to Maria`s request are not entirely clear. He may have done it simply because he is clever enough to know nothing bad will happen to him because of it. He would probably also have recognized that Malvolio is not popular currently with Olivia, ââ¬ËO, you are sick of self-love, Malvolio, and taste with a distempered appetite,' and hence making him suffer would put Feste in a favourable position within the household. It may also be because he is clearly used to his abilities as a fool endearing him to others, and although the other characters do become annoyed and tired of him at times, Malvolio is the only one that appears to actively dislike him, ââ¬ËI marvel your ladyship takes delight in such a barren rascal. ââ¬Ë Whatever his reasons are this scene illustrates the more unsavoury aspects of Feste`s personality, but at the same time it also offers a contrast between how Feste and Malvolio are presented. Due to Malvolio`s self concerned and unpleasant behaviour it seems justifiable that he should be a rather one dimensional character, hampered by his own contemptible qualities. It is for this reason Feste`s superior attitude and actions towards him are understandable, and instead of serving to make the reader dislike Feste, it causes them to empathise with him as it shows his more human side that had previously been hidden beneath his sharp wit. In the style of a true narrator the last word (or indeed words) of Twelfth Night belong to Feste, who merges his dual roles, and delivers them in song format. It appears to be a rather dismal song for a clown, as it suggests that every day brings misery, ââ¬ËFor the rain it raineth every day. ââ¬Ë This may be because the other characters have gone, leaving him alone with the audience, to whom he can deliver a last message. Feste`s final lesson appears to suggest that life is plagued with misery, therefore, like the characters in Twelfth Night, you should embrace happiness in whatever form it takes because it may not last. Shakespeare presents the role of Feste as a paradox: the wisest character of the play is the paid fool. Throughout Twelfth Night Feste directs, entertains and criticizes the other characters through his revealing songs and witty wordplay, and at the same time makes them reflect on their current circumstances. This is a similar relationship that Shakespeare, as a playwright, would have had with his audience, and it creates a parallel between the writer and his creation.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Analysis Of Marlon Riggs Emmy Winning Documentary,...
Many works claim to understand and uncover the plight of the African American race, but through their art, they perpetuate even more stereotypes. The relationship and dynamic of the black family is one that has been played out and misconstrued for decades, as shown by in Marlon Riggsââ¬â¢ Emmy-winning documentary, Ethnic Notions. Often times the family of four or more have an all powerful mother who can control and help everything except her family, an absent or abusive father, a troubled or deceased son, and a daughter that is overlooked or abused. The continuation of these backwards depictions of the African American family has been plaguing the black community for years. This paper will uncover each of the negative archetypes placed on black family members (mother, father, son, daughter) based on stereotypes and racist ideologies from the past. In many of the films, the mother, not the absent minded son or absent father leads the household, so the ladies stereotypes will go fi rst. The modern day work that best and worst displays the stereotype of the ââ¬Å"black mammyâ⬠brought up in the film is the bestselling book turned critically acclaimed movie, The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Despite its recognition for giving a voice to the unheard African American domestic workers, the multi-nominated book turned movie, The Help written by Kathryn Stockett, still perpetuates numerous stereotypes (Stockett). The book and movie pull characters that match into the black mammy, strong
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